Atheer Workforce Training, Employee Onboarding and Skills Assessment.

Atheer AR Field Service bridges the skills gap and transforms your workforce training, driving productivity and employee satisfaction.

Atheer AR Field Service enhances workforce training, skills assessments and the employee onboarding experience. Achieve regulatory compliance and the right to perform a task, improving efficiency, enhancing service delivery and prioritising safety, enabling your organisations to provide exceptional on-the-job experiences while optimising resources. Enhance the effectiveness of your learning programs by providing interactive, hands-on experiences, improving knowledge retention and capturing best practices to retain top talent. Atheer AR Field Service Management software empowers workers to perform at their best by providing just-in-time training and expert guidance at any moment on any device. With Atheer, Human Resource and Learning departments can dramatically reduce the time required to train and certify the workforce and field service networks.

Atheer AR Field Service provides a transformative approach to workforce training, employee onboarding and skills development.

Atheer AR Field Service Management Software Competitive Advantage

Atheer Workforce Training and Skills Development

Workforce Training and Skills Development

Atheer AR offers dynamic and engaging workforce training by overlaying virtual instructions and guidance in the flow of work. Technicians receive just-in-time training and skills certification, allowing learners to access specific information or learn new skills precisely when needed. AR allows real-time monitoring of the employee progress and competency during training sessions. Insights facilitate identifying problem areas and offering immediate feedback, leading to better learning outcomes.

Atheer FSM improves workforce learning outcomes

Improved Learning Outcomes

Atheer AR provides interactive and immersive experiences to engage learners, enhancing their understanding and retention of complex concepts. The ability to visualise and manipulate objects helps learners grasp abstract ideas quickly. As a result, workforce training and skills certification with AR leads to improved learning outcomes, as learners are more likely to comprehend and apply the knowledge effectively.

Atheer FSM enhances the employee onboarding process and engagement

Employee Onboarding

Atheer provides experiential learning experiences for new employees. Through AR-based training programs, newcomers can visualise and interact with the work environment, equipment, and work-safe procedures. This hands-on approach enables them to familiarise themselves with their roles, responsibilities, and the tools they will be working with, leading to quicker assimilation and reduced onboarding time.

Atheer Workforce Training and Skills Certification

Training and Skills Certification

Atheer AR supports hands-on, interactive training, allowing employees to practice skills in a safe and supported environment while building confidence and proficiency before applying those skills in the work environment. Employees can simulate equipment maintenance or repairs, eliminating downtime and reducing training-related accidents. AR task-based scenarios ensure employees are well-prepared to handle complex tasks effectively and achieve certification successfully.

Atheer FSM improves the learners knowledge retention and sharing of workforce skills

Knowledge Retention and Skills Transfer

Atheer AR enables a multi-sensory learning experience, combining visual, auditory, and tactile elements. Studies have shown that experiential learning improves long-term memory knowledge retention and promotes skills transfer to execute work tasks effectively and confidently. Technicians can apply the learned skills immediately, ensuring that knowledge is retained and utilised efficiently.

Atheer Workforce Training and Skills Compliance

Workforce Skills Compliance

Atheer AR ensures the workforce achieves compliance by providing real-time guidance on safety protocols, industry regulations and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Certified Technicians access relevant compliance information through AR overlays, ensuring they adhere to the necessary guidelines while performing work-related tasks. AR-based compliance training reduces non-compliance risk, enhances worker safety and minimises operational liabilities.

Atheer FSM worker certification ensures the right to perform a work task

Right to Perform Task Requirements

Validate a Technician's qualifications and certifications in real-time to ensure they have the credentials and expertise to perform specific tasks. Verify a Technician’s rights to complete the work and provide relevant information and instructions tailored to their authorised roles. Organisations maintain regulatory compliance, uphold quality standards, and mitigate risks associated with the unauthorised execution of work.

Atheer FSM provides scalable remote field service network training

Scalable Training for a Remote Field Service Network

Experiential learning with Atheer AR technology offers a scalable solution for training a remote field service network. Contractors or third-party providers access training materials and receive coaching from anywhere worldwide, eliminating the need for costly travel. This is particularly beneficial for industries like mining, oil & gas, healthcare, and manufacturing, where remote workers must receive training on complex equipment and procedures in regulated environments.

Atheer FSM Insights and Analysis of training programs effectiveness

Insights and Analysis of Training Programs

Atheer enables workforce training and skills development in the flow of work. Gain insights into employee performance and analyse your training program's effectiveness and achievements. Workforce metrics are essential indicators to improve training and skills competency, revealing the efficiency and effectiveness of onboarding, training and skills compliance. Capture data to achieve best practices and instantly adapt training programs to improve workforce productivity.

Atheer integrates with your Learning Management System (LMS)

Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

Ensure seamless Atheer AR Field Service Management software integration with your existing business tools and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Benefit from transforming habits with experiential learning and real-time observation across training and skills development through integration with an LMS, creating a comprehensive and effective learning ecosystem.

Atheer AR Field Service Industry Use Cases

Drive efficiency and productivity with Atheer Field Service Management software and Workforce Training solutions.

Atheer Global Customers

The world’s leading equipment manufacturers trust Atheer.